Product Code: IT10293B

Ages from 6+

TTS Oti-Bot Forklift

A mechanical, programmable forklift extension for use with your Oti-Bot.
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Price: 87.90 € 87.90 EUR
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TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
Learners can replicate real life scenarios where robotic devices transport and deliver goods, for example a waiter in a restaurant, a robot in a warehouse, a cleaning robot and a robot delivering medicines in a hospital. The mechanical forklift can be programmed via the Oti-Bot app, just connect the tummy and the app will automatically update with additional features. A set of three pallets are included, designed to be easily lifted by Oti-Bot’s forklift. These can be further built on by learners up to 200g.

Quickly adapt Oti-Bot to achieve different learning outcomes.
Expand the versatility of your Oti-Bot
Simulate real life robotic experiences in your classroom
Quick and easy to change Oti-Bot’s tummy
TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
Product TTS Oti-Bot Forklift details
Target Group
Age: 6+
Product Code: IT10293B
Manufacturer: TTS
Not Suitable WARNING! Not suitable for children under 3. Small parts. Risk of suffocation.