Product Code: EY11865B

Ages from 3+

TTS Glow and Go Bot Accessories Mirror Spots

TTS Robot Turtle Mirror
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Price: 64.90 € 64.90 EUR
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TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
A set of flexible, mirrored-surface floor spots that are great for using with the Glow and Go Bot, as well as in sensory areas.
See the floor reflect and light up as the illuminated robot travels over the shiny circles. These can be used in a variety of contexts.
The set includes seven flexible mirrors with a diameter of 30 cm.
TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
Product TTS Glow and Go Bot Accessories Mirror Spots details
Target Group
Age: 3+
Width: 0.5 cm
Height: 30.0 cm
Length: 30.0 cm
Weight: 0.254 kg
Product Code: EY11865B
Manufacturer: TTS