Product Code: EL00399B

Ages from 3+

TTS Bee-Bot Floor Robot Starter Set

Everything you need to hit the ground running with TTS Bee-Bot!
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Price: 285.90 € 285.90 EUR
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TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
Bee-Bot’s simple and child friendly layout is a perfect starting point for teaching control, directional language and programming. Bee-Bot can move in steps of 15cm, turn in 90° turns, and remembers up to 200 steps!

Product Contents:
1 x Rechargeable Bee-Bot and lead
1 x Treasure Island
1 x Busy Street Mat
2 x Transparent Grid
49 x Sequence cards
10 x White clip-on shells

Warranty: 1 Year
Age Range: Suitable for 4 to 7 years
TTS pakub haridusasutustele unikaalseid lahendusi õppetöö rikastamiseks. Lisaks populaarsetele robotitele nagu Bee-Bot ja Blue-Bot, haarab TTSi tootevalik kõiki õppevaldkondi toetavaid lahendusi sh MATIK, HEV, loodusained, matemaatika, keel, õuesõpe jt.
Product TTS Bee-Bot Floor Robot Starter Set details
Target Group
Age: 3+
Weight: 6.0 kg
Product Code: EL00399B
Manufacturer: TTS